Changing the Reviewers' Name Format

Set how your reviewers’ names are displayed on your Loox widgets.

By default, your reviewers’ first name and last name’s initial letter will appear on your Loox widgets (e.g. "John S.").

To change your reviewers' name format across your Loox widgets:

  • Open the "Format" dropdown menu and select your preferred name format:

  • You can see the reviewer's display name in your "Manage reviews" Settings section:

Note: AliExpress protects its customers' privacy. They do this by either censoring reviewers' names with stars (C****s) or replacing the name with "Shopper".

Reviews imported using our AliExpress import method will have their reviewers’ names formatted to match AliExpress customers' privacy policy by displaying the uncensored letters of the reviewer’s name as matching our “First initial, last initial (J. S.)” format setting.

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