Post-Review Referral Offer

Turn your reviewers into advocates by providing them with a unique discount link they can share with their friends and family using our Post-review Referral Offer.

These discount links can drive more sales and grow your brand by using social proof and word-of-mouth to spread awareness and trust. 

Every reviewer that left a 4 or 5-star review will receive a unique referral link on the thank you page displayed on your review Form. 

Customization options

In the Post Review Referral Offer settings page, you can customize the text that appears on the Thank you page (review confirmation page) displayed on the review form, as well as set the discount offered:

  • Amount: Set the discount amount in percentages.
  • Content: Change the text that appears in the review submission form, asking the customer to share their review. Use the [discount] placeholder to add the discount amount to the Content.

Note: All Loox Post Review Referral Offer discounts will include an “LX- “ prefix. You can view your advocates' discounts inside your Shopify “Discounts” page.

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