Protection from Review Theft

Loox's reviews widgets are based on iFrame technology, displaying your reviews via URLs embedded in your pages.

Our Anti-theft protection (CSP) identifies the Shopify account linked to the reviews. It cross-references it with our logs to ensure the domain belongs to the correct account and not an unauthorized 3rd party site, so that in the case where a Loox widget iFrame is displayed on a page that does not match the correct account's domain (or any whitelisted sub-domains added by the merchant), we block all Loox widget elements from appearing.

We automatically link every domain listed on your Shopify account plus page builders, click funnels, and AMP pages commonly used and not listed on the Shopify settings to your Loox account.

If you would like to block right-clicking (and inspecting) on your Loox widgets, feel free to contact our Support team at [email protected], and we'll be happy to set this up from our end!

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