How to Remove Loox from Your Store

If you've reached this page, there must be something we should be doing better!

If there's anything we can do to improve your experience with Loox, please contact our Support Team, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

How to Remove Loox and Stop Future Charges:

Pausing (or canceling) your Loox subscription can only be done by removing Loox from your Shopify apps menu:

Note: Uninstalling a third-party app can only be done by the store owner, and cannot be completed on our end.

When uninstalling Loox from your store, all your reviews and settings made will be saved, so if you choose to reinstall Loox, everything will be set as it was the day you left, and your reviews will appear as before..

Note: To delete all of your data from Loox, please contact our Support Team.

Important: According to Shopify's app charges policy, Shopify will stop all future app charges from being triggered only once an app is reviewed from a store. This does not include any pending charge that was already created:

To Prevent Our Widget from Appearing in Your Store after Uninstalling:

  • Inside your Shopify Themes menu, click on the "..." button and select "Edit code".
  • Edit the theme.liquid file.
  • Find and delete the code below:

    {{ shop.metafields.loox["global_html_body"] }}

  • Refresh the page without using the cached version of the site by pressing Ctrl+F5 (on Mac ⌘+R ) and check again.

Note: There are additional codes that Loox added to your theme. While these codes will not render anything on the page itself, the following codes might still be found in your theme's liquid files:

<div data-id="{{ }}" data-rating="{{ product.metafields.loox.avg_rating }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.loox.num_reviews }}"></div>

<div id="looxReviews" data-product-id="{{}}" class="loox-reviews-default"></div>

<div id="looxCarousel" data-show-more="true"></div>

If you need further assistance removing the Loox code from your theme, or if there's anything we can do to improve your experience with Loox, feel free to contact our Support team at  [email protected], and we’d be more than happy to help!

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