How to Remove the Loox Star Rating Widget Code

On most Shopify themes, Loox will automatically add the Star Rating widget to your product pages, collections pages, and homepage featured product (if you have one).  

In this article, we'll show how to remove Loox's Star Rating widget from your store's pages.

Homepage Featured Product

  • Inside the Shopify Themes menu, click the “...” button next to “Customize” and select "Edit code".
  • Open the template or section you use for featured products (usually called product.liquid or product-template.liquid, but some themes work differently).
  • Find and delete the code below: 
<div class="loox-rating" data-id="{{ }}" data-rating="{{ product.metafields.loox.avg_rating }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.loox.num_reviews }}"></div>	

Collections Pages

  • Inside the Shopify Themes menu, click the “...” button next to “Customize” and select "Edit code".
  • Open the template or section you use for collections pages (usually called product-grid-item.liquid, card-product.liquid, product-loop.liquid or product-info.liquid but some themes work differently).
  • Find and delete the code below:
<div class="loox-rating" data-id="{{ }}" data-rating="{{ product.metafields.loox.avg_rating }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.loox.num_reviews }}"></div

Product Pages

  • Inside the Shopify Themes menu, click the “...” button next to “Customize” and select "Edit code".
  • Open the template or section you use for product pages (usually called product-template.liquid or product.liquid, but some themes work differently).
  • Find and delete the code below:
<a href="#looxReviews"><div class="loox-rating" data-id="{{ }}" data-rating="{{ product.metafields.loox.avg_rating }}" data-raters="{{ product.metafields.loox.num_reviews }}"></div></a>		

If you need help editing your Liquid code, contact our Support team.

We’re available 24/7 and happy to help!

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