Loox Performance

Keep track of your performance and revenue generated from Loox Reviews, Referrals, and Upsells on your Loox homepage.

This article will also cover how you can track Loox-related orders on the "Orders" page in your Shopify admin.

Understanding your Loox performance

On your Loox homepage, you can find a detailed breakdown of your performance and revenue originating from Loox Reviews, Referrals, and Upsells within a selected time frame.

The Reviews section 

You can monitor your review collection and the overall revenue generated by reviews in the Reviews section.

  • Review requests sent - The number of review request emails sent within the selected time frame.

Note: The “Review request sent” counter also includes every Review request reminder email sent to your customers.

  • Reviews collected - The number of reviews collected via Loox.
  • Photo/Video reviews - The number of photo and video reviews collected via Loox.
  • Conversion - The percentage of photo and video reviews out of the total number of reviews collected. 
  • Reviews-generated revenue - Revenue generated from orders that redeemed a discount for submitting a photo and video review.

The Referrals section 

The Referrals section summarizes customers' engagement with your referrals program and the revenue generated from it.

  • Shares - The number of times advocates shared referral links.
  • Store visits - The number of customers who visited your store through referral links.
  • Orders - The number of orders from your store that came through referral links.
  • Conversion - The percentage of orders received through referral links compared to the total of links shared.
  • Referrals-generated revenue - Revenue generated from orders that came from your referral program.

The Upsell section 

On the Upsell section, you can find the number of impressions and purchases of your upsell product.

  • Impressions - The number of times the upsell page was presented to customers.
  • Orders - The number of accepted upsell offers.
  • Conversion - The percentage of upsell offers accepted compared to total impressions.
  • Upsells-generated revenue - Revenue generated from products added through upsell offers.

Tagging your Loox orders

Loox will automatically add a tag to every Loox-related order, so you can track it under the "Orders" page in your Shopify admin.

Below you can find a list of all relevant tags:

Tag Meaning
Loox - Photo/Video Review Discount Purchase made using the discount code Loox generates for photo/video reviews.
Loox - Friend Discount Purchase made by a customer referred to your store through a unique referral link.
Loox - Advocate Reward Purchase made by an advocate, redeeming their reward.
Loox - Review Request Email Purchase made by a customer directly after submitting a review (clicked "Continue" once they submitted the photo/video review).
Loox - Photo/Video Reminder Email Purchase made by a customer after submitting a photo/video due to reminder email (clicked "Continue" once they submitted the photo/video review).
Loox - Social Media Share Purchase made by a customer referred to your store by a review shared on social media.
Loox - SEO Purchase made by a customer referred to your store through one of Loox's SEO services.
Loox - Upsell A purchase that includes a product offered using the Loox Post-purchase Upsell page.

Tracking your Loox orders 

You can sort and filter Loox-related orders on your Shopify "Orders" page.

Once a Loox-related order is completed on your store, a unique "Loox-driven Sales" tab will be added to your Shopify Orders page, including all of your orders driven by Loox:

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