Loox Carousel Widgets

Spotlight your favorite customer reviews and transform them into social-proof marketing using our Carousel Widgets.

By highlighting your biggest advocates, you can build strong social proof to help direct new customers to your product pages.  

In this article, we will break down the three different Carousel widgets we offer, explain how to add them to your store's pages, and the customization options available. 

Carousel Widgets overview

Carousel Widgets provide you with the option to showcase your best reviews in one of three different layouts:

Testimonials Carousel Widget

Showcase the text of each review in an eye-catching display. This widget only displays the review's text, excluding photos or videos.

Gallery Carousel Widget

Spotlight your customers' user-generated images and videos and put them front and center for your customers to see. This widget will only showcase the review's photos or videos, excluding text.

Cards Carousel Widget

This widget combines the text and the photos or videos submitted by your customers to create a stylish carousel.

How to add a Loox Carousel Widget to your store's pages

To add a carousel widget to one of your store's pages, follow the instructions below:

Note: If you do not see all three Carousel widgets, re-integrate Loox with your theme -  Click here to learn how.

  • Inside the Shopify Themes menu, click the "Customize" button on the theme you'd like to add the widget to.
  • Click "Add section" and choose the Carousel widget you would like to use:

  • Position the widget where you'd like it to appear by dragging it up or down:

  • Edit the settings of this widget and go back to the sections menu.
  • Click "Save".

Adding and removing reviews from your Carousel Widgets

Once added to your pages, our Carousel Widgets will display your 20 most recent reviews.

To manually select the reviews displayed on your Carousel Widgets:

  • In "Manage reviews", search for the relevant review.
  • Open the “More actions” drop-down menu, and click "Add to Carousel":

  • To remove the review, follow steps 1+2 and select "Remove from Carousel":
  • Reviews displayed on the Carousel will include a small logo next to the review's date:

The reviews selected will now appear on your Carousel widgets.

Note: Your selected reviews will appear on all Carousel widgets on your site. If you have adjusted the widget to display a specific product’s collection of reviews, it will override the reviews selected in your admin. 

Testimonials Carousel Widget

Showcase only the text of each review in an eye-catching display. 

When added to your store, the Testimonials widget will showcase one review at a time, along with the rating given and the customer’s information.

Available customizations:

  • Maximum width: Adjusts the maximum width of the widget.
  • Desktop font size: Adjusts the font size of the widget's text when viewed on desktop.
  • Mobile font size: Adjusts the font size of the widget's text when viewed on mobile
  • Max number of characters: Adjusts the maximum number of characters available to each review showcased. 
  • Quote marks icon: Adjusts the style of the quotation marks visible on the widget.
  • Reviewer name color: Adjusts the color used on the name of the reviewer.
  • Text color: Adjusts the color of the review's text.
  • Stars color: Adjusts the color of the widget's star icons.
  • Quotes icon color: Adjusts the color of the widget's quotation marks.
  • Arrow color: Adjusts the color of the carousel's arrows.
  • Hide arrows on mobile: When enabled, the arrows will be removed when viewed on mobile.
  • Selected dot color: Adjusts the color of the dot that symbolizes the currently viewed review.
  • Dot background color: Adjusts the color of the dots currently in the "background".
  • Auto animation: When enabled, the widget will automatically move between the reviews.
  • Delay (sec): Adjusts the amount of time before the widget will move between its reviews.
  • Select product (optional): When a certain product is selected, the widget will display that product's first 20 reviews.

Spotlight your customers' user-generated images and videos and put them front and center for your visitors to see. This widget will only showcase your customers' images and videos and excludes text. 

The Gallery widget will showcase up to 20 reviews in a horizontal grid. Each review display the image or video, the customer rating, and their details.

You can customize the appearance settings of this widget through the 'app block' settings in the Shopify Theme Editor:


  • The Gallery Carousel widget will only display photo or video reviews. Text-only reviews will not be visible on this Carousel widget. 
  • For reviews with multiple photos, only the cover photo will appear on the Gallery Carousel Widget.

Available customizations:

  • Maximum width: Adjusts the maximum width of the widget.
  • Corner radius: Adjusts the size of the widget's corner radius.
  • Number of reviews on desktop: Changes the number of reviews showcased on the widget when viewed on desktop.
  • Number of reviews on mobile: Changes the number of reviews showcased on the widget when viewed on mobile.
  • Image ratio: Adjusts the crop applied to your customers' user-generated content.

    Note: Any image larger than the image ratio defined will automatically be cropped and centered to fit.

  • Reviewer name color: Adjusts the color used on the name of the reviewer.
  • Stars color: Adjusts the color of the widget's star icons.
  • Arrow background color: Adjusts the background color of the widget's arrows.
  • Arrow color: Adjusts the color of the carousel's arrows.
  • Drop shadow style: Adjusts the type of drop shadow used on the widget's reviews.
  • Show border: When enabled, a border will be displayed around each review "box".
  • Border width: Adjusts the size of the widget's border.
  • Border color: Adjusts the color of the widget's border.
  • Select product (optional): When a certain product is selected, the widget will display that product's first 20 reviews.

Cards Carousel Widget

This widget combines the text and the images or videos submitted by your customers to create a stylish carousel taking your brand’s social proof to the next level. 


  • The Cards Carousel widget will only display photo or video reviews. Text-only reviews will not be visible on this Carousel widget. 
  • For reviews with multiple photos, only the cover photo will appear on the Cards Carousel Widget.

Available customizations:

  • Maximum width: Adjusts the maximum width of the widget.
  • Corner radius: Adjusts the size of the widget's corner radius.
  • Number of reviews on desktop: Adjusts the number of reviews showcased on the widget when viewed on desktop.
  • Number of reviews on mobile: Changes the number of reviews showcased on the widget when viewed on mobile.
  • Max number of characters: Adjusts the maximum number of characters available to each review showcased. 
  • Image ratio: Adjusts the crop applied to your customers' user-generated content.

    Note: Any image larger than the image ratio defined will automatically be cropped and centered to fit.

  • Reviewer name color: Adjusts the color used on the name of the reviewer.
  • Text color: Adjusts the color of the review's text.
  • Text background color: Adjusts the background color of the reviews' text.
  • Stars color: Adjusts the color of the widget's star icons.
  • Stars background color: Adjusts the background color of the widget's stars.
  • Arrow background color: Adjusts the background color of the widget's arrows.
  • Arrow color: Adjusts the color of the carousel's arrows.
  • Drop shadow style: Adjusts the type of drop shadow used on the widget's reviews.
  • Show border: When enabled, a border will be displayed around each review "box".
  • Border width: Adjusts the size of the widget's border.
  • Border color: Adjusts the color of the widget's border.
  • Select product (optional): When a certain product is selected, the widget will display that product's first 20 reviews.

If you have more questions, contact our Support team at [email protected]. We're available 24/7 and happy to help!

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