Importing Reviews from Okendo to Loox

Easily import your Okendo reviews and continue displaying valuable customer feedback.

To import your reviews from Okendo:

  1. Inside the Okendo app, go to “Import/Export” under “Settings”:

  1. Click on the download icon under “Export” next to “Reviews”:

  1. Go to “Import Reviews” within your Loox admin.
  2. Click "Okendo”.
  3. Upload your CSV file exactly as exported.

  1. Once the import is complete, you will receive a review import summary email specifying the number of successfully imported reviews. The email will be sent to the address listed on your Shopify account.
  • If any reviews fail to import, the email will also include a CSV file listing errors that need to be corrected before re-importing.
  • Imported reviews will appear in your “Manage Review” settings section.

Learn more

If you have any questions, contact our Support team at [email protected]. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help!

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