Loox Product Review Form

Our customizable Product Review form provides your customers with the smoothest review submission experience.

Review Submission Process

Customers can easily review your products using our product review form.

The review form will be presented to customers when clicking the “Write a review” button on the Review request email, or in your store:

During the review submission process, customers can rate your products, upload photos and videos, and share a few words about their experience.

Note: Customers can upload up to five photos or one video per review.

How to customize your Review form

To customize the appearance of the Product Review form your customers see when writing a review, follow the steps below:

The customization options available are:

  • Inside the "Collect reviews" setting section, go to "Review form":

  • Adjust the appearance and text of your form:

  • The customization options available are:
    • Theme color: Adjusts the color used throughout the form.
    • Corner radius: Adjusts the round the corners are within the form.
    • Texts: Adjusts the text displayed on the form.

Note: To change the rating icons displayed on your Review form, check out - Changing Your Store's Rating Icons.

Tip: We also support the option of adding custom questions to your Product Review form.

Click here to learn more.

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