Fixing Errors on Spreadsheet Imports

When importing reviews to Loox using the Loox import spreadsheet, some reviews might not complete the import process due to their information not meeting our requirements.

When this scenario occurs, a new CSV file will be sent to your inbox, containing all unsuccessful reviews with an "Error" text field next to each review that didn't import successfully, with a tag explaining the reason why the import failed:

Important: Renaming column titles, as well as removing columns, will create errors in the import file, causing your reviews to fail the import process.

The different tags explaining the reason why the import failed are:

Product not found: 

The value mentioned in the "product_handle"/"handle"/"product_url" column is missing or does not relate to an active product in your store.

The product handle is the last part of the product URL (after the last "/"). For example, for this product:, the handle is blue-t-shirt.

Please check that the value mentioned is the product's handle only (not the product's title or the full URL) and that it matches the product you'd like to attribute the review to.

Also, make sure to attribute reviews to an active product only (one that appears in your Shopify Product dashboard only). 

Review date invalid:

The value mentioned in the "created_at"/"review_date"/"reviewed_at"/etc' field does not exist or is in an incorrect date format.

The correct date format for Loox reviews is  YYYY-MM-DD. For example, "2020-01-09" for January 9th, 2020.

The date must appear as Year-Month-Day. Loox will not accept other formats. 

Review date cannot be in the future:

The value that is mentioned in the "created_at"/"review_date"/"reviewed_at"/etc'  field is a future date. Please correct this field to match a date in the past.

Reviewer name is missing:

The value mentioned in the "author"/"nickname"/"reviewer_name"/etc' field does not exist. Since this is a required field, please fill in this data.

Review body is missing:

The value mentioned in the "body"/"review_body"/"review"/etc' field does not exist. Since this is a required field, please fill in this data.

Rating invalid:

The value mentioned in the "rating"  field does not exist or is in an incorrect rating format. The correct format is whole numbers between 1 and 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Photo_url invalid:

The photo URL does not exist or is incorrect. The accepted image formats are JPG, JPEG & PNG. Please do not leave any trailing characters after the .jpg/jpeg/png ending.

Note: these messages might appear when the column's header does not match the original template's column name. 

You can download the original Loox import template here.

If you have more questions, contact our Support team. We're available 24/7 and happy to help!

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