Tracking Loox Emails
Search and browse your email delivery status in the Loox “Orders” menu.
Accessing your order from Shopify’s Orders menu
View any specific order's Review request email status directly from your Shopify Orders menu.
To redirect yourself from a specific order's page on your Shopify's Orders menu:
- From your Shopify Orders menu, open the order you would like to check.
- Under the "More actions" dropdown menu, click "View order on Loox Reviews".
- You will be redirected to the Loox Orders menu, where you can track its review request email status.
Order Information
An order will appear in your Loox Orders menu once it has been completed in your store.
The following information will be displayed next to each order:
- Customer Name
- Product Title(s)
- Order Status
- Order Date
If that order was a Loox-driven sale, a tag mentioning its origin will appear under it.
The table below describes each Loox-driven sale tag:
Tag | Description |
Loox Reviews - Photo/Video Review Discount | Order made using the discount code Loox generates for photo/video reviews. |
Loox Referrals - Friend Discount | Order made by a customer referred to your store through a unique referral link. |
Loox Referrals - Advocate Reward | Order made by an advocate, redeeming their reward |
Loox Reviews - Review Request Email | Order made by a customer directly after submitting a review (clicked "Continue" once they submitted the photo/video review) |
Loox Reviews - Photo/Video Reminder Email | Order made by a customer after submitting a photo/video due to reminder email (clicked "Continue" once they submitted the photo/video review) |
Loox Reviews - Social Media Share | Order made by a customer referred to your store by a review shared on social media. |
Loox Reviews - SEO | Order made by a customer referred to your store through one of Loox's SEO services. |
Loox Upsell | Order that includes an item offered using the Loox Post-purchase Upsell page. |
Available order actions:
- Go to order: Redirects you to the order page on your Shopify Orders menu.
- Send now: Send the review request email to the relevant customer connected to the order immediately, and not based on the scheduled email timing.
- Cancel: Prevent Loox from sending a review request email for this order.
Search & Filtering Options
You can search for orders by entering the customer’s email address or browse multiple orders by filtering your reviews based on specific criteria.
Available filtering options:
- All orders: Displays all orders, regardless of the order status.
- Sent: Only displays orders that have received a review request email.
- Scheduled: Displays orders that have their review request email scheduled based on the email timing set in your account.
- Pending fulfillment: Displays orders awaiting fulfillment.
- Review received: Displays orders where the customer has received a review request email which led to a successfully submitted review of the product.
- Blocked-listed: Displays orders, products, or customers that were blocked-listed from receiving review request emails.
- Canceled: Displays orders that were canceled for any reason.
Time range filter: Choosing 'Custom' will allow you to filter out specific dates, displaying orders completed during the time frame set.
Order Status
Once an order has been completed in your store, Loox will schedule a Review Request email based on the timing set in your Loox account.
Loox tracks each order's email status based on its fulfillment status using the following tags:
Awaiting fulfillment: After your customer places an order, you need to prepare and deliver the items in it. This process is referred to as order fulfillment.
If you schedule Loox emails according to fulfillment or delivery, emails will only be sent once you fulfill the order.
You can read more about fulfillment on Shopify here.
Awaiting delivery: Once you fulfill your order, it will start its delivery process.
If you use delivery-based timing for review request emails, Loox will send a Review Request email only once the package has been marked as delivered. You can read more about delivery on Shopify here.
- Scheduled date: Once the order meets your email timing set in your Loox account (based on delivery/fulfillment), the scheduled date for its Review Request email will be seen as "scheduled for YYYY-MM-DD".
- Sent: Once an email has been sent, Loox will update the status and track how long ago the email was sent. Additionally, Loox will track when the review reminder email will be/was sent.
- Review Received: If a customer submitted a review through a Review Request email, the following tag would be added to the relevant order.
- Unsubscribed: Customers who unsubscribed from receiving marketing emails from your store will have their orders tagged as “Unsubscribed”.
- Canceled: Orders canceled by the customer, by you, or refunded will have the “Canceled” tag attached.
- Opted-out: Customers choosing to receive marketing emails from your store will have their orders labeled as “Opted-out”. Due to data privacy regulation updates (also known as GDPR), merchants may filter who will receive Review Request emails (to allow them to follow these regulations on Loox). This can be changed inside the Loox Platform’s “General” Settings section. Under “Email compliance”.
- For a customer to opt-in to receiving marketing emails from your store, they need to check the box seen below during their checkout process.
- Depending on your Shopify settings, your store might have a double opt-in setting, meaning customers will have to check the box upon checkout, as well as accept marketing material a second time over email. If that is the case for your store, customers will receive a review request email only if they agree to both.
- Bonus: When you install Loox for the first time, you have the option to send review requests to past customers up to 90 days back. This is free and does not count as part of your email quota. Any orders made before Loox was installed on your store and scheduled to receive review request emails will be tagged as [Bonus].
Order not visible on the "Orders" menu
All orders completed in your store from the moment Loox was installed will be visible in your Loox “Order” menu.
Orders might not appear if one of the following cases apply:
- The order was created before Loox was installed in your store, and you did not set up bonus emails.
- All ordered products have been deleted, canceled, or refunded.
- The order does not contain a valid customer email address or name.
- The order was for a product that does not currently exist on the store.
If an order that should be displayed does not appear, feel free to contact our Support team, and we'd be more than happy to help!